By Nicola Donati / 16th April 2020
Conversations cannot come any better than this: one of the many upsides of lockdown has been the volume of exchanges of communications with
friends from all over the world - strong of newly found time on everyone’s hands.
Emails are dotingly being answered, messages and video calls exchanged on a nonstop flow, and all in all never a dull
Two conversations, in particular, hit close to home. Quantum physics has been the basis of the life of an Italian friend who expressed his
concern about the current progress of the pandemic. His greater awareness of all matters brought him to express to me his concern that negative vibrations have taken force around the global pandemic,
and how urgent it is that a vaccine will be perfected, to avoid the possible mutation of the virus, with all the implications that such disastrous possible development could
A second email, received from far away from Hawaii, arrived almost at the same time. This time from two friends based there at this time of
the year and facing lockdown in paradise. The amazing surroundings are not stopping them to further their philanthropic devotion, and they are funding a study made in Boston, centred around the
possible modification to an existing vaccine that has been used to great success to fight tuberculosis.
Sitting pretty at home, with the content of the two emails, I felt the sense of urgency and compelled to understand whether I could take
some action to this matter, and I replied to the scientist first, asking how we can offset the negative force at work alongside the pandemic. His reply comes promptly: we need to send heartfelt
prayers to the four corners of the globe, to bring light to all who need it. And the more we are, the better it is.
That is how @focus_together has come to life: a new Instagram and Facebook page we launched the very same day, to create awareness and to
urge as many followers we garnered from the beginning, to send a ray of light to the four corners of the globe.
The way the infection is multiplying is at the basis of the project, and if each one of us passes the message to at least ten friends, and
they do the same and ask the ten friends to do share the page on a non-stop cycle, we should in no time grow a global network of like-minded followers. And unlike the virus we are determined to
defeat and see the curve of infection diminish, here we want the wave of light and heartfelt positive energy to reverberate and continue to grow till when the pandemic will be coming to its end - we
pray sooner rather than later.
Follow @focus_together and share the page to at least ten likeminded friends - now like ever - the more the
Thank you from the deep of our hearts, and not a minute to lose.